Mazda Website
In 2018 Mazda globally launched a brand-new template for their website, to ensure a cutting-edge experience for consumers. With South Africa being the first country to go to market with the upgrade, Mazda SA enlisted Techsys to take the platform into the future with a complete upgrade.
To reflect Mazda’s premium status, the new website features a premiumised, contemporary look and feel. Large-form imagery and video content works to encourage an immersive and interactive experience. Major structural improvements were made with the consumers’ perspective in mind. By crafting a customer-centric user journey, Techsys aimed to deliver the best possible experience online.
The result is a website that adheres to the state-of-the-art global Mazda template, with localized content that ensures the site is relevant to South African consumers. In this way, Techsys has aligned the new Mazda SA website with their global strategy while meeting local needs.