Nammilk SMS Campaign
What do dairy products and SMS competitions have in common? Namibians love them both, that’s what, and we have the data to prove it. Between December and February we ran an SMS competition for Nammilk called Take the Nammilk Goodness Home. It was a 2 way SMS line that gave consumers the chance to win a brand new Toyota Yaris, as well as weekly prizes such as TVs, fridges and tablets. Consumer simply had to SMS in a unique code from their Oshikandela or Omaere for an entry into the competition.
Over a 65 day period, we received 347 537 entries which beat the client’s target of 200 000 entries by an amazing 73.74%. These entries came from 57 557 unique consumers who entered an average of 6 times each. 98.62% of them had never interacted with the brand before meaning that the campaign helped Nammilk reach over 50 000 new customers. No brand can ask for much better results than these.